Fanad Head Peninsula, County Donegal, Ireland
During this stunning sunrise at Fanad Lighthouse, I witnessed a few wonderful things at once. Mainly was the sky igniting with colour in front of my eyes
welcoming me to the new day ahead. However, the most fascinating part was watching this unsuspecting photographer in my scene buzzing with excitement capturing his own dream sunrise photo. I’m sure he also planned well in advance, woken in the very early hours with little sleep then travelled many miles in the dark to wait here in hope of a vibrant sunrise. I’m delighted that everyone there that morning got their well-earned photographs. It’s not always how pretty the scene in front of us looks…. It’s about how we all react to it that fascinates me most.

Fanad Head Lighthouse was conceived as essential to seafarers following a shipwreck which happened over 200 years ago. In December 1811 the frigate ‘Saldanha’ sought shelter from a storm. Sailing towards Fanad as she frantically fought the raging wind and waves. Sadly, the ship was wrecked off the northern coast with all 250+ men on board.
Shortly afterwards Fanad Head Lighthouse was built to help guide ships and sailors safely on their journeys. Still in operation to this day, standing on a rocky outcrop on north Donegal’s Wild Atlantic Way, blinking its guiding light out to sea to aid ships past its inviting yet deceiving rocky waters