I will never forget how calm it was on the shore of Glenveagh that night. There wasn’t even a gentle breeze to rustle a single leave in all the hours stood there, nor was there a sound of another living creature to be heard. The only thing in motion was a light mist rising from the lake. It was a limbo of sheer silence I believe I won’t experience again for a long time…
This total calmness was indeed eerily surreal, creating perfect conditions which are rarely found naturally. With the temperature below zero degrees, no light pollution and no wind, the lake was as clear and reflective as a cosmic mirror, enabling the stars & heavens to cast their perfect reflections off its surface
The Orion Constellation (look for the 3 aligning stars of his belt) shines brightly above the lake and if you look closer you may also see the deep red colours of the Orion Nebula on his right leg